I tend to put kids into either a cast or boot, depending upon the severity of the injury. That’s because the foot and ankle are weight-bearing, whereas the wrist is not. “When these fractures occur in the ankle, I’ll be more aggressive than hand and wrist specialists might be in terms of limiting activity during recuperation. We may put a child in a cast or a brace to immobilize the injury and modify activity for a period of time.” Treatment of ankle buckle fractures When a buckle fracture does affect the wrist, we generally treat them pretty conservatively. Summit’s hand and wrist specialists probably treats more buckle fractures than I do. “Parents may want to be aware that buckle fractures are actually more common in the wrist and arm than they are in the foot and ankle. “Because healthy growing children are active, we see our share of buckle fractures at Summit,” says Dr. And of course, if you have any concerns, I am always happy to examine the injury and provide appropriate treatment.” How common are ankle buckle fractures? Buckle fractures don’t usually present with obvious deformities of the length. “Usually, if a limb looks misshapen, the injury involves more than a buckle fracture. “Your child may also experience bruising or tenderness at the site of the break,” notes Dr. The most common symptoms of this injury are pain and swelling.

And parents can rest assured that we will be monitoring the injury for any sign that the growth plate might be affected.” Symptoms of a buckle fracture Now, because a buckle fracture happens around the growth plate, there’s a chance that there could be some altered growth of the growth plate. That type of injury is unmistakably different from the typical buckle fracture. Usually, a fracture into the growth plate shifts the plate and alters the course of the growth of the bone. “Although there is a theoretical risk of a buckle fracture causing a growth plate injury, that would be very rare. “Buckle fractures generally occur at the ends of the bone or near the ankle where the growth plates reside,” explains Dr. Can a buckle fracture damage growth plates? Upon impact, one side of the bone compresses, crumpling down on itself. “A child may land hard on an ankle, or try to break a fall with an outstretched wrist. “This injury is definitely the result of a trauma,” states Dr. Instead, it just bends, buckles, and creates the characteristic bubble on the bone.” Causes of a buckle fracture As a result, a sudden impact may not cause their bones to shatter or break cleanly the way an adult bone would. This injury is so common in young children because kids have more elasticity in their bones. The bone doesn’t shift or move far there’s just enough force to create that little characteristic deformity. “Basically, an impact causes a little bubble to form on the outer edges of the bone. “A buckle fracture describes a condition where one side of a bone bends and buckles on itself even though the other side of the bone is not disrupted,” explains Dr. Michael Anderson explains what this fracture is and describes how it happens.

One of the most common bone injuries in children is a buckle fracture. Because bones can break in a number of different ways, there are multiple fracture categories.
Most people understand that a fracture is another way to describe a cracked or broken bone.